Group Coaching Starting Soon!

Do you need to Reframe, Refocus and Renew your Trim Healthy Mama journey?

Then, maybe it’s time for some good old fashioned 3Rs!

Starting June 15, we will take the time to stop what we’re doing, so we can Reframe our mindsets. Take the time to ditch the stinking thinking and replace it with thoughts that help rather than hinder. Then, we will Refocus our journey with a plan that will get help you get closer to your goals for your life. Then, we will Renew our commitment and implement the plans we have made. We’ve all heard it said that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. And sometimes, we’ve started out and have abandoned our maps or accidentally veered off course. This group coaching will provide you support as you correct course and get back on your Trim Healthy Mama path. We will discuss reasons why we need to support our health, have ideas on how to work yourself back into your path, and then take time to implement those plans and tweak what isn’t working for us. Early bird pricing is available until June 1st for only $50 for the three weeks! If you wait, the price will go up to $75. Feel free to email me at for more information or to sign up.

You are worth taking the time to seize the life that you were created for. I’m here to help you on your journey.

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